Tips for Selling Your Items on “Craigslist RI” Quickly

A while back, I needed to quickly sell a lot of stuff to make room for a move. I didn’t have the time to go on eBay so I sold my stuff through Craigslist RI. Some items took two days, while others sold in one day. These are some of the things that I learned during this process.

It is important to note that where you live will have a significant impact on how quickly your stuff sells. My experience is that students are more likely to buy second-hand furniture if they live in a college area (such as Providence, Craigslist RI). It might be harder to sell your stuff online if you live in a small community.

A lot of the stuff that I sold was high-value, such as music equipment. It is important to be realistic about what your product or Odie Dog service is worth. You might be better off giving away an old futon than trying to sell it.

Before we Start

It is important to be realistic about the amount you can expect to get for your used goods. You may not get a fair price for your couch if you live in an area with high income. You should sell it as soon as you can.

1. You can take decent photos of Craigslist RI Take good photos of Craigslist RI!

You should only take one item on the list. Take good photos of your product. Photos make a huge difference!

Good lighting is essential, especially natural daylight. Natural daylight will highlight the true colors of the product and make them pop. Artificial lighting will make the product look old and yellow. Take a look at the example I created using artificial indoor lighting.

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The photo to the left was taken with a Canon Rebel T2i Digital DSLR camera. It looks so yellow and old!

To prove my point, the photo to the right was taken with my iPhone 4 during daylight using natural light. It’s amazing what a difference it makes!

Get the product out of your garage or basement and take it to your living room where you have windows and natural light. You don’t need flash, but it can be used to fill in shadows. It shouldn’t be used as your primary lighting, because it can cast harsh shadows.

You don’t necessarily need a fancy camera, as you can see. A modern cell phone camera can produce fine results if you are able to use natural light.

2. Craigslist RI: Price it to Move

People shop on Craigslist for bargains. If you want to sell your item quickly, then your pricing should be aggressively low.

Craigslist RI sellers are often selling at a much higher price than they should be. Ok, so you paid $500 for the couch. But, it’s not like dog tail cactus you can get $250 now.

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