Career Counselling – Stay a Competitive Practitioner by Practising What You Preach!

Stay a competitive career counsellor by being passionate and proactive about your own professional growth. Optimise your ability to empower others by implementing strategies to advance your own career development. By committing to this you will naturally become more motivating for your clients and help them conquer greater goals than they ever thought possible. Nourish yourself with career counselling resources and practice what you preach starting from…NOW!

The key attribute for staying competitive in career counselling is to be resourceful and you need to do this both for your clients and you! Get your hands on as many appropriate career counselling tools and resources you can find.

Despite your experience, career counselling techniques, career tools, theory, career assessments and tests, job types and roles, recruitment companies and their processes, company and business culture, talent management and succession planning strategies are becoming more sophisticated. It is important you familiarise yourself with these, especially if you want to maintain a solid client base. Signing up to more professional associations will keep up to date with the important changes in the career counselling industry and inform you of what’s available and what’s new.

The need for career counselling today is hitting record highs due to the changing and increasing demands of people in the workforce. People of all ages and generations are moving through more job roles and career industries more than ever before. On average an individual will change their career 5 times and change jobs 12 times throughout their working life! The career counselling and coaching industry is ferociously evolving to meet these career planning demands.

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To stay competitive, you need to be resourceful and enhance your own career. By practicing what you preach, you will gain greater insight into the challenges that people face when it comes to career growth and direction.

The next step is simple and can be done NOW … get your career counselling resources!
Tips for staying competitive

o Get your hands on different career resources such as books, manuals, DVDs, toolkits and journals – this will enhance your knowledge and skills to broaden your client base
o Keep up to date with the career counselling industry and initiatives
o Join as many career counselling associations as you can to build your network
o Attend conferences, workshops, seminars and training on career counselling
o Continue to develop your own career through various courses (e.g. university or colleges), reading materials, training and accreditation seminars
o Get familiar with industry standards and ensure you are competitive with these
o Continue to build your career resource base
o Make your own toolkits for different types of clients (e.g. motivational techniques, personality tests, value definers and goal setting activities)
o Know who your competitors are
o Find your own niche market/ client base
o Get a mentor or supervisor
o Have your own role model/s
o Enhance your self awareness – this improves your counselling skills

Stay competitive in career counselling….it starts with you!

Get your career counselling resources at []

My name is Danielle Connelly and I am a passionate career counsellor! After years of study in psychology & counselling and working in Human Resources, I have developed a fascination for career counselling . Empowering others to define and create their career goals is highly rewarding and inspiring. I am intrigued by various styles of career counselling and enjoy learning about different techniques and resources available. I am committed to improving my own self awareness and capability as a career counsellor not only for my own benefit but for my current and future clients. By living and breathing my passion, I can inspire and motivate others more than ever before. I want to find others who share this passion.

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